Saturday, July 4, 2009


Thanks to all of you for your prayers support. One big answer to prayer is that the kids are completely covered now for the time I am gone. I feel much better now that that is settled.

I'm also getting a clearer sense of what I'll be involved in while I'm there. My team will be visiting various projects going on and helping as we can. There will be a mini-festival at a prison, a medical clinic, a water project for a school of orphans. And much more! Also, there will be a dinner for area business leaders as well as a women's dinner, which I'm excited about attending. Think of being surrounded by Rwandan women, some of whom are hearing the gospel for the first time!

As much as Rwanda has made an amazing recovery from it's genocide 15 years ago, there are still many hurting people. I don't know what God will do through me while I'm there, I have a hard time understanding how I can help these people, but I'm excited to find out. Even more, I want to learn what the Rwandans can teach me. I consider this trip another opportunity to experience a new culture and am pretty open minded about what will happen there.

Right now the biggest prayer request I have personally is for the travel there and back. There has been a lot of confusion for many people on the team with flights being cancelled and last minute changes. So far, I haven't been affected, but I have a lot of flight changes and airline changes along the way and it sounds like lost luggage is not an uncommon thing!

But please also pray for the entire festival team and the Rwandans we will meet while we're there.

Thanks so much!

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